Well, here is an update on me & the kids:
I took my Avonex shot early today and that was the biggest mistake ever. Now I know why they say take it before bed!! I will NOT repeat that mistake!!!! lol The side effects are pretty bad still but I'm trudging through and praying. LOTS of praying!
I have asked
Alicia to drop out of Cross Country. She is having a major problem with her knees and shin splints. She also has swelling in her knees. I am taking her to the doctor on Monday to find out what is going on. She also failed the hearing test last visit and they are going to recheck her ears before I schedule an appointment to make sure it isn't ear junk! lol
Mike is doing well and is in auto tech. He LOVES it! He finally got his letterman jacket and looks so grown up and handsome in it! My, how time flies!
Zachery is well also..a little alusive but hey, that is my son!
Jacob is ok, but having some issues. We are changing his meds to help increase his appetite and it is working but he is having attention problems. ICK! I will let the month run out before making any decision on what to do. I need to let him stabelize before we do anything drastic.
The Jaycees:
I went to my Jaycee meeting and chairing a project that is close to my heart. Some of you may not know, my father is a Vietnam Veteran and I am very proud to be a soldier's daughter! ANYTHING I can do to help any veteran, I am so happy to do so!
So, the project is DVD's for Veterans! I am collecting any DVD's that are not wanted(but still working) and we will distributing them to Veterans and Soldiers! Let me know if you have any you would like to donate! medic4666@comcast.net
The Apple Orchard is having a Halloween Festival and is looking for companies to purchase a booth for $100 BUT this includes the signage, candy and anything else needed for the price. This is a chance for BIG TIME advertisement!! Also, the Jaycees will get a percentage to help with Shopping for Needy kids.
Which brings me to another point, this year MANY kids will not have a Christmas because of the recent flooding in our community. Many lost their homes, items and pets. The Hobart Food Pantry's list is getting longer and the food pantry is running low because of so many victims. (we gather our list from the food pantry.) Funds are low for us also by trying to help as many families as we could through this tragic event. Please help us in any way so that we may help as many kids as we can to have a Christmas this year!
We are getting the process going for Christmas trees again this year, I hope you will purchase one when they arrive.
I also sent a email to my favorite show, Jon & Kate Plus 8! I hope they read it and enjoy my letter. I really LOVE this show and think it is so awesome that they can be so open. No one is perfect and I think America frowns on people being real anymore on TV. What a shame! But anyhoo, I did enjoy taking the time to do it!
Chef school is going well. We made Pork Chops on Tuesday with an apple & wine glaze with fresh green beans with breading topping. On Thursday we baked cookies. I made Shortbread Chocolate Chip and they came out well! I did not fair well Thursday with all the heat and stuff so that is something that I need figure out. Hoping it was just an off day!
Other than that...geesh...I think that is about it. I'll post again when I am feeling a bit better! Love to you all and GOD BLESS always!